
学生应该与他们的学术顾问密切合作, 留学顾问, 和注册办公室在出发前预先批准课程. It is essential for students to make sure their classes are first approved by their academic advisor and then by the Registrar’s Office before leaving for their study 在国外 experience. 

  • 学生在国外通常修12-16个学分, 包括他们专业的课程, 小(s), 通识教育, 或者选修要求.
  • 有时实习, 学生教学, 在国外完成的临床工作可能会计入康考迪亚大学的学分.
  • All Concordia Global Ed Courses count for direct Concordia credit if the student is enrolled in the connected course.
  • 从暑期和学期的课程回来后, students should have their transcripts sent to the 出国留学 Office in order to ensure that courses taken 在国外 are properly transferred. 


具体国家的卫生信息可在 美国疾病控制中心(CDC)网站. 此资源提供有关推荐接种疫苗的最新信息, 当地的食物/水条件, and other relevant health information about the various destinations to which your students might travel. 

在很多情况下, the most dangerous health hazards students face 在国外 are not those unique to their destination, 但是那些学生带来的, 比如慢性病, 过敏, 哮喘和其他疾病. 如果正规赌博十大网站学生有任何慢性疾病或严重过敏, 你应该鼓励他们去康考迪亚学生健康中心看看, 旅行诊所, or their primary care physician to create a personalized self-care plan to ensure your student’s maintained health while 在国外.

*请注意: The Concordia 健康 Center (located at our Mequon campus) offers travel-health services to study 在国外 students, 包括旅行健康咨询, 疫苗, etc. The cost for these services is dramatically lower than the costs of third-party travel clinics and most doctor's offices.

Any individual who travels in connection with a Concordia-sponsored study 在国外 program must have travel health insurance that covers them for the duration of their program. 许多暑期和学期的课程都包括旅行保险, 然而,对于那些没有和全球教育课程, 学生必须投保CISI综合保险. 如果正规赌博十大网站学生需要这个保险, 他或她不需要做任何额外的事情, 他们将自动注册并计费.


而国外的新闻媒体可能会大肆渲染安全问题, hundreds of thousands of American students travel and study 在国外 every year without incident. 但是为了确保我们所有学生的安全, the 出国留学 Office conducts a safety review of the locations to which we send students. 我们的主要资源是 U.S. 国务院国家信息表 and 旅游警告及警告. 您的风险承受能力可能与康考迪亚大学有所不同, so we suggest you review these resources and others as well when considering the safety of a study 在国外 destination. 


Lengthy phone calls can become extremely expensive while students are 在国外. These cost-effective methods of communication can help family stay connected with their students while 在国外:

  • WhatsApp, 推出, 脸谱网 Messenger, etc - There are numerous smart phone apps that allow users to send and receive text, 照片和视频信息通过wifi免费或非常低的费用. Some even allow audio and video calls over wifi, like WhatsApp and Apple Facetime. 
  • Skype - Skype是一个免费的, downloadable software application that allows users to make live video and voice calls over the internet. Skype users can also add money to their account and then use the service to call land lines and cell phones internationally at very low rates. For additional information and to download the application please visit Skype.com
  • A local SIM card that your student can add to a dual-SIM phone or swap out for their US plan’s card. 然后,他们可以根据需要付费发短信、打电话或访问数据.
  • Letters - Letters can be read and reread and are extremely appreciated by students while they’re 在国外.
  • Care packages – 学生 appreciate their favorite homemade treat or American snack. Keep in mind however that any package sent overseas will go through customs in the foreign country, 因此,避免发送可能被标记的项目, 征税, 或者没收. 学生也可能需要支付费用来领取他们的包裹.
  • 电子邮件——电子邮件在国外并不总是可以访问, 但这是一个保持联系的好方法.


When traveling it’s said that people should take half as many clothes and twice as much money as they think they’ll need. If you need to send money to you students, there are a number of secure ways to do that:

  • 存款到他们的家庭银行账户. In order for friends or family back home to deposit money into a student’s bank account, 你只需要他们的金融机构的名字, 他们护照上的名字, 他们的帐号和路由号码. All of this information can be found on a personalized deposit slip, or a voided check. Deposits made by people back home into a student’s account will make funds available to them, 只要他们有可用的ATM卡.
  • Banks usually post the current exchange rates and are the safest places for students to exchange their money.
  • Using an ATM at a local bank to withdraw currency is often the cheapest option. 向正规赌博十大网站银行查询一下佣金. A flat rate or a percentage are most common, and will change based on what bank ATM they use.
  • 他们每次兑换货币都要支付佣金.
  • 了解正规赌博十大网站学生计划去的国家的当前汇率.
  • 他们可能希望在抵达时随身携带一些当地货币.
  • They can purchase local currency at international banks or they can work with a local bank that has international bank connections. Getting foreign currency from your home bank can sometimes take weeks or more, so plan ahead.
  • They can also purchase local currency at most international airports either before leaving the United States or upon arrival in the host country. The exchange rate may not be as favorable so plan to exchange only enough for a few days expenses.


The Concordia 出国留学 Office provides students with a high-level of personal attention during the entire study 在国外 process: pre-departure, 在国外, 和返回. We assist students in finding a program that meets their academic and personal needs, 指导他们完成申请过程, 并在出发前帮他们做好准备. 学生 are also encouraged to contact the 出国留学 Office with any questions they encounter while 在国外. 在返回, we also have resources available for students to learn how to market their experience 在国外.

护照 & 签证

Every student is responsible for acquiring a passport prior to their study 在国外 experience. Certain programs/countries may also require students to obtain a student visa prior to departure.

有关这些问题的更多信息,请访问美国.S. 美国国务院网站.


Contact the Concordia 出国留学 Office and we'd be more than happy to assist you.

电子邮件: 研究.在国外@cuw.edu
电话: 262-243-2132